Happy birthday to our wonderful baby boy! We love you more than you’ll ever know.
Mommy and Daddy
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on Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007 at 8:31 pm and is filed under Pics and stories.
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5 Responses
Dear sweet Simon: Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 1st birthday. I felt like I was in your presence, seeing your b-day picture, and especially watching your first steps and signing video.
I’m a bit choked up right now after reading your mommy and daddy’s birthday greeting to you. It consists of only 15 words, but they couldn’t have said it any better with 1000 words, how much they love you.
And the circles of love that surround you from your extended family and friends can easily be seen reading through this blog of the first year of your life. Here’s another one. Love you,
Great Aunt Holly
Holly - October 3rd, 2007 at 10:37 pm
Dear Simon,
Gramma & Grampa had so much fun helping you celebrate your first birthday. It seems like only yesterday that we were at the hospital meeting you for the first time.
We love you very much. xoxoxo
Gramma & Grampa
Gramma (Janet) - October 5th, 2007 at 10:19 am
Thanks for all the smahed up cake Simon. I had no idea how good compressed cake tastes like. You are the best.
GP Dad
Dave - October 15th, 2007 at 9:43 am
Simon tell your parental units to get off their very busy “buts “and post more photos of you!! No excuses! We need more pictures! You are so damn cute! love and kisses Nana!
Nana Lisa - October 20th, 2007 at 2:24 am
Simon you have grown into a really cute little boy. I worked with your Daddy and is quite pleased to see how you have grown. Loking forward to seeing more pictures of you.
Dear sweet Simon: Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 1st birthday. I felt like I was in your presence, seeing your b-day picture, and especially watching your first steps and signing video.
I’m a bit choked up right now after reading your mommy and daddy’s birthday greeting to you. It consists of only 15 words, but they couldn’t have said it any better with 1000 words, how much they love you.
And the circles of love that surround you from your extended family and friends can easily be seen reading through this blog of the first year of your life. Here’s another one. Love you,
Great Aunt Holly
Dear Simon,
Gramma & Grampa had so much fun helping you celebrate your first birthday. It seems like only yesterday that we were at the hospital meeting you for the first time.
We love you very much. xoxoxo
Gramma & Grampa
Thanks for all the smahed up cake Simon. I had no idea how good compressed cake tastes like. You are the best.
GP Dad
Simon tell your parental units to get off their very busy “buts “and post more photos of you!! No excuses! We need more pictures! You are so damn cute! love and kisses Nana!
Simon you have grown into a really cute little boy. I worked with your Daddy and is quite pleased to see how you have grown. Loking forward to seeing more pictures of you.