Feeling better

Simon’s over his cold now.  It ended up getting worse so we took him to emergency a few weeks ago just to make sure it wasn’t something more serious.  The doctor diagnosed him with bronchiolitis and said there was nothing to do but let it run its course.  It was hard to see him so miserable but he’s back to his old smiling self.

Our cats have finally adjusted to having a baby around.  It was mostly the crying that really freaked them out but they’re used to it now.  However, Newton is a little jealous of Simon.  Sometimes at night he tries to get in between me and Simon when we’re cuddling as if to say “Hey man, I was here first.”  Milo and Simon are good buddies though.

2 Responses

  1. Whoa! In this picture I can definitely see the Topher coming through. The cat has Simon well-trained to scrach its belly already!

    Carolyn - December 13th, 2006 at 11:05 pm
  2. I agree, but its a chubby Topher!!!!! I’m glad Simon is feeling better, I really need to hold him again!! love Nana.

    lisa - December 13th, 2006 at 11:58 pm

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