Many changes

Simon had his last appointment with our primary midwife Katheljine last week. He’s still growing like a weed - almost 15 lbs at two months! Christopher and I were both sad to say goodbye. Our experience with all of our midwives (we had three and one student) was so positive and rewarding. We had fantastic care and they always took the time to answer our questions. Anyone who knows Christopher knows he always has lots of questions! I would encourage any pregnant woman to seek out a midwife.

Saying goodbye to Kathelijne our midwife.

Simon’s been chatting up a storm lately, mostly on his change table. His current favourites are “unnn gah” and “haii”. It almost sounds like he’s saying hi!


Simon’s still dealing with gas pain. Apparently it often gets a lot better around three months so only one month to go (fingers crossed). On top of that I gave him my cold and now he’s got a cough. Poor little guy.

Our lumberjack

Simon is always working on his skills of observation. Anytime he finds himself in a new room or with new people he studies intently.

At Laura's shower.

At Laura's shower

On the advice of other moms we decided to introduce the bottle a couple of weeks ago. Christopher’s been giving Simon a bottle of breastmilk every other day and my mom gave him one last week when I was visiting. I’ve been told that babies who are breastfed exclusively often won’t take a bottle if you don’t introduce it within the first couple of months. This way I can go out for dinner with friends or even go on a date with Christopher.

Bottle and Dad

It’s often assumed that moms are the ones who do the nurturing but Christopher’s intincts are as good or even better than mine in some cases. I was just trying to put Simon down for the night and he quickly got upset and started crying. Even the almighty boob wouldn’t soothe him. Topher came in, took Simon into his arms and started rocking him. Simon settled down and Topher suggested we put him on my lap and give him his soother. Then he started stroking Simon’s forehead while humming gently. Simon’s eyes started to close and I could feel his body relax. Within minutes he was asleep. Simon’s lucky to have such a great dad.

4 Responses

  1. You are such wonderful parents!!! Simon looks like he is almost as big as Katheljine!!!!! The photos and stories are great! love Nana

    lisa - November 30th, 2006 at 5:28 am
  2. Wow, if I’m not mistaken I think I can see the Wills in him! They change all the time though, don’t they? And just what are you feeding yourself, mum? Spinach and proton pills? He’s one strapping young lad!

    Carolyn - December 2nd, 2006 at 4:10 pm
  3. The way Simon is looking at Topher when he is feeding him the bottle, that is such an adoring look of complete bliss! I agree with you Leila, Topher is an amazing Dad! love Nana Lisa.

    lisa - December 5th, 2006 at 10:44 pm
  4. Wow. Another baby I know is seven months old, and just reached 15 lbs. You guys have giant blood or something.

    hanner - December 6th, 2006 at 2:48 pm

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